

To use the Unpaywall Service, you need to authenticate yourself. For that, unpywall offers multiple ways for authorizing the client. You can either import UnpywallCredentials which generates an environment variable or you can set the environment variable by yourself. Both methods require an email.

from unpywall.utils import UnpywallCredentials


Notice that the environment variable for authentication needs to be called UNPAYWALL_EMAIL.

export UNPAYWALL_EMAIL=nick.haupka@gmail.com

Pandas Integration

unpywall uses the data analysis tool pandas for evaluating information from Unpaywall. By default, the Unpaywall API returns a JSON data structure. However, by using get_df, you can transform that into a pandas DataFrame. This also works with multiple DOIs.

from unpywall import Unpywall


#    data_standard  ... best_oa_location.version
# 0              2  ...         publishedVersion
# 1              2  ...         publishedVersion

# [2 rows x 32 columns]

You can track the progress of your API call by setting the parameter progress to True. This is especially useful for estimating the time required.


# |=========================                        | 50%

Calculate the fraction of OA types

df = Unpywall.get_df(dois=['10.1038/nature12373',

# green    0.5
# gold     0.5
# Name: oa_status, dtype: float64