Foreword ======== What is Unpaywall? ------------------ `Unpaywall `_ searches for open access full-text copies of scholarly literature and offers various open-source tools to work with them. More specifically, Unpaywall, a non-profit service builded and maintained by `Our Research `_, provides metadata about free-to-read versions of scientific publications such as research papers and journal articles [1]_. These metadata information is stored in a large database that contains several million records. The data can be queried either using a provided `database snapshot `_ which is around 100GB in size, or via the Unpaywall `REST API `_. The REST API returns a JSON data structure which contains information about a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) like open access status, title and full-text link. For a detailed schema description see :doc:`dataformat`. Project background ------------------ We use Unpaywall in different contexts. On the one hand, we use Unpaywall to examine the proportion of open access articles in journals and repositories. For that, we provide a `pandas `_ integration to easily create DataFrames that can be used for bibliometric research. Besides, our package provides convenient functions for literature mining such as downloading pdf handles or retrieving full-text links. Our Goal is to develop a tiny Python wrapper around the Unpaywall REST API to make interactions between Python and Unpaywall even more comfortable and less time consuming as it already is. .. rubric:: References .. [1]